Fashion & Trends
Ready reckoner for skilful displays
Displaying, teasing, tempting and drawing in casual
by-passers, or earnest prospects into your magical
space where your merchandise speaks
for itself is the first key step you need to take.
First impressions really count.
Ensure that your window to the world. let’s the world
in on your best and most attention grabbing ware.
Clutter puts off people. Bling may not attract all.
Tread with care and use mannequins, accessories
and clear space in the right balance.
Sheer is often simply sheer delight.
Ensure clarity and clean visual lines.
As a bonus, it can also shelter passers by
and give them a sneak preview
that brings them in.
Protect your ware by all means, but do keep
things accessible. Access does not mean all
and sundry can rummage through or turn
your world topsy turbo.
Be discreet. Be judicious.
Be a little adventurous as well.
Necessity is the mother of all creativity.
Get creative.
Piped music,
Art and artefacts,
tempting accessories
that are easy on the
purse and heirlooms
collectibles can all
create a great
Any walkthrough layout should be a compelling show and tell story experience.
Tastes, trends, budgets et al are driver to sales. And your story should catalyse a sale.
Ensure warm, welcoming comfort.
Be culturally clued in.
Be seasonally relevant.
Be different, not alien.
Be familiar, not common.
It's important to keep up to date with the latest
trends and, also anticipate future changes.
Traditions often reappear with a twist.
The outlandish can swing back as ordinary one
day. Space reflects your brand.
Create signature spaces with clever use of
colour and materials, planning, design and
ingenuity. Spaces impact sales, truly.